“Bentornato” Brunello Dinner Lot 23-02
We “Welcome Back” our Tres Bonne Annee 2022 Honoree with this Encore Brunello Dinner!
One of Italy’s (and the world’s) greatest wines is Brunello di Montalcino. It comes from a small region in south-central Tuscany named Montalcino. These particularly impressive wines are made with a particular strain of Sangiovese called Brunello.
You will savor four of these blockbuster wines from the Father of Brunello, Banfi, in the comfort of your home. While enjoying hors d’oeuvres and a multi-course dinner for twelve prepared by the Hilton Harrisburg staff, Pam Bernd of Banfi Wines will share with you the history and grandeur of this most notable lineup.
You can be assured that your guests will arrive home safely due to the generosity of Unique Limousine and The Salinger Family who will provide luxury transportation for the evening.
Click "Read More" for details.

• Hors d’oeuvres and a multi-course dinner for twelve people in your home, prepared by a Hilton Chef with speaker Pam Bernd of Banfi Wines featuring Brunello di Montalcino from the Banfi portfolio.
Wines will include:
o 2017 Banfi Brunello di Montalcino
o Brunello di Montalcino Poggio alle Mura
o Banfi Brunello di Montalcino Poggio alle Mura Riserva
o Banfi Brunello di Montalcino Poggio all’ Oro Riserva
• Limousine transportation is provided within 30 miles of mid-town Harrisburg.
Insider’s Notes:
• Please allow 30 days advance notice
• Based upon the availability
• May not be redeemed for cash
• Must by September 1, 2024